A wonderful thing happened yesterday! This is My Brain in Love was recognized by the American Library Association during the Youth Media Awards (basically the…
Category: Uncategorized
New Virtual Tour Dates
May is a really timely confluence of “awareness months” for This is My Brain in Love, being both Mental Health Month and Asian & Pacific…
This is My Brain in Love with Indie Bookstores
Books – and bookish friends – have gotten me through a lot of tough times in my life, and this pandemic is no different. With…
Indie bookstores need your help! Take it from someone who lost her hometown indie TWICE.
There have been scores of essays written on why independent and brick-and-mortar booksellers matter. This quote from writer Rob Hart my seem harsh, but his point is…
This Is My Brain on Starred Reviews!
Any author will tell you that that waiting for trade reviews is one of the worst part of the publishing business, akin to that nail-biting…
Announcing my next book baby: THIS IS MY BRAIN IN LOVE
(stolen shamelessly from my Facebook page): One year ago, I wan’t sure I would ever publish another book. My medical practice was (and remains) one…
Intersex Rights are Human Rights
I’ve been working on intersex activism for about five years now, and it’s been one of the most rewarding turns in my career. I’ve met…
Sci Am and Teen Vogue
Hey, look at Teen Vogue, doing amazing work again: I’m so delighted to support my intersex peeps by talking about why doctors need to rethink…
I’m very proud to have written about intersex in this Newsweek op-ed. More info on the story behind the story coming soon…
2 Steps Forward, One Step Back: Why I’m donating all my April royalties to interACT Advocates
I’ll be honest: When I first went out to agents with None of the Above, part of me worried that traditional publishing wouldn’t touch a…